What are the qualities of a good orthodontist?

Orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent

One of the best decisions you can make for your dental, physical and mental health is to opt for orthodontic treatment should you need it. Orthodontic problems such as spacing, alignment and overcrowding affect more than the appearance of your smile. These problems can go on to put your physical health at risk. In addition to this, when you lose your smile due to dental appearance, you lose your confidence which can affect your mental state of mind.

Our orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent can personalise your orthodontic care to find the right orthodontic plan that fits in with your needs, goals and preferences in braces.

At Ashlow Orthodontics, we work to provide you with a definitive orthodontic care experience. We do this by not only offering a stand-out patient experience, but also a select choice in modern orthodontic tools. Our range of orthodontic treatment plans includes the ever-popular Invisalign, clear braces, fixed braces and lingual braces.

The quality of orthodontic care you receive depends heavily on which orthodontic practitioner you choose. Find the right type of orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent and you’re all set for a stellar experience. So then, what do you look for when having to choose an orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent?

What qualities to look for in an orthodontist

It goes without saying that you will want an orthodontist with the relevant qualifications, knowledge and experience. Relevant knowledge refers to knowing the latest orthodontic technologies and the different types of orthodontic tools available and how they work and how efficacious each is to correct various orthodontic problems.

As a patient, you may prefer one type of orthodontic device, but it may not be suitable for your particular problem to give you the results you want. Different orthodontic devices may work to varying degrees of success depending on the type of problem and the patient’s oral situation.

A quality that many patients may not at first recognise as important in an orthodontist is empathy. It may be intimidating to voice your questions or concerns to a dental practitioner who does not appear approachable at all. Finding an empathetic orthodontist and you are more likely to feel at ease and comfortable and less awkward or embarrassed to ask your questions and get the guidance you need.

Find an orthodontist who believes in modern orthodontic methods. Developments in orthodontics have introduced more efficient treatment processes and convenient orthodontic solutions for desired outcomes that fit in with the demands of an adult patient in today’s world.

In the majority of orthodontic cases, the duration of orthodontic treatment plans will cover more than six months so patients will need to be prepared to find an orthodontist with the required people skills to offer the encouragement they will need to stick to their treatment plan for its entire duration.  This is made all the easier with a supportive orthodontist.

It is important to take the time to choose your orthodontist wisely so that you increase the likelihood of a positive orthodontic care experience and receive the results you are after. To get the smile you have always wanted, schedule an appointment with us at Ashlow Orthodontics.