The importance of orthodontics for healthy, beautiful smiles


There are many benefits to undergoing orthodontics in Stoke. One of the main benefits is the ability to clean your teeth more easily. Teeth that are straight are easier to clean because there are less hard-to-reach areas in which bacteria and food particles may linger. This means less chance of developing plaque and tartar and therefore encouraging better dental health. Orthodontics in Stoke also help improve your bite so that your teeth fit together correctly, which means improved function and less wear and tear so that you can improve the longevity of your teeth. Finally orthodontics help transform the appearance of your smile with huge benefits for your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Orthodontics for children

It is important that your children also visit the dentist on a regular basis so that they can be referred for orthodontic treatment accordingly. Our dentist can make sure that there is enough space for the teeth to come through successfully. We want them to find their appropriate positions in your mouth and we can help guide them into the right spot as they are erupting. We will also observe how well the top jaw and bottom jaw fit together and consider bite correction early on if necessary to prevent dental complications in the future. Children who suck their thumb or use a soother for a long period of time can have more complex dental issues and should visit the dentist more often. The earlier these issues are addressed, the fewer complications there will be with permanent teeth. By visiting your dentist with your children on a regular basis your children will be referred for orthodontics in Stoke at the appropriate time for optimal results and excellent dental health in the future.

Braces for adults

Here at Ashlow Orthodontics you will be pleased to know there are many different types of braces available for straightening your teeth. There are fixed braces for complex orthodontic needs and removable braces for mild and moderate orthodontic issues. We will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth to find out which is the best choice for you. Amongst adults, clear braces and Invisalign are the most popular choices of orthodontic treatment. They allow you to straighten your teeth at your discretion. Clear braces are fixed braces. They consist of brackets that are attached to the surface of your teeth and an arch wire which applies pressure to the teeth to create a neater formation. They are the same as traditional fixed braces, but the components are clear in comparison. This means that you can straighten your teeth without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth.

Invisalign is the other popular choice of orthodontics amongst adults. Invisalign is a removable teeth straightening system which consists of clear plastic aligners that are worn over your teeth and apply pressure to push them into a neater formation. Again with Invisalign you can straighten your teeth without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth.

Speak to us at Ashlow Orthodontics today. Find out about orthodontics for children and adolescents as well as orthodontic treatment for adults and let us help your whole family enjoy a beautiful healthy smile for the rest of their lives.