Orthodontics in Stoke: It’s what we do at Ashlow Orthodontics!


If you require orthodontic treatment to realign your smile, you want treatment from the top, right? At Ashlow Orthodontics, we have been practising for over 30 years in orthodontic treatments and we can treat both adolescents and adults for their individual needs. For those who are concerned that having treatment will be uncomfortable and unsightly with visible braces, we have treatments that are discreet and comfortable with Invisalign. With a range for both teenagers and adults, Invisalign is just one treatment we can offer depending on your individual needs. Whatever treatment you go for, it is important to realign your smile to improve the aesthetic appearance (and your confidence), but also to avoid issues with cleaning your teeth and other issues such as TMJ disorder.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a treatment we offer at Ashlow Orthodontics to patients who have mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbite, over or underbites, gapped teeth or crowded teeth. The system comprises of plastic aligners which are transparent, so when they are worn over the teeth they shouldn’t be visible. The aligners are made to measure your mouth using iTero technology, which is a digital scan that is taken of your mouth to get the exact measurements for your aligners. Therefore, they should be comfortable to wear as they sit snugly on the gum line and are very streamlined. When worn, the aligners apply a small amount of pressure to the teeth to carefully move them, over a period of approximately 6 to 18 months, into the desired position.

Why should I choose Invisalign?

If Invisalign is a treatment option for you, there are many benefits associated with it. Apart from the aligners being barely visible when worn, which can avoid embarrassment of having an appliance in your mouth, they can also be removed for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you can remove them when you feel like it, or when you have a specific activity you want to do such as playing sports or meeting up with friends. You can also remove them for eating and drinking, which means that you won’t have a messy cleanup operation afterwards as you can have with some other treatments. A further advantage of being able to take the aligners out is that you can brush and floss as normal. This means that you shouldn’t develop any issues with your oral hygiene as long as you are brushing and flossing regularly and well!

The aligners are also very robust and are difficult to break, unlike metal braces that have delicate wires and brackets. This means that you should have less need to come and visit us for emergency appointments. In fact, you should only need to come and see us every 6 weeks for a checkup and to receive sets of aligners to change between on a weekly basis before your next appointment with us.

What next?

For Orthodontics in Stoke, we have a variety of treatment options at Ashlow Orthodontics. We want you to be happy with the treatment that you decide to go for and an initial consultation will help us to determine what options are available and to discuss these with you, so you can make an informed decision.

Come and see us to get the smile on your face that you deserve.