Options for teeth straightening with braces


Braces Stoke-on-Trent provide a great way to transform your smile. If you have been troubled by crooked teeth then there is no need to suffer any longer. With advances in dentistry over the last few decades there exists a range of different braces that can help straighten your teeth with comfort and convenience. Another key development in orthodontics is the establishment of invisible braces Stoke-on-Trent. Invisible braces help straighten your teeth with discretion. Invisible braces Stoke-on-Trent have helped millions of patients correct the appearance of their smile without drawing further attention to their mouths.

If you want to straighten your teeth subtly then speak to us at Ashlow Orthodontics and find out about the different types of braces that are available for you. We are able to offer a variety of treatment options for patients of all ages including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, lingual braces and one of the most popular braces for the modern generation: Invisalign.

This may sound like too many options but don’t worry, here at Ashlow Orthodontics we will carry out a smile assessment and examination of your teeth and gums and help you decide which is the best choice for you.

Different types of braces work in different ways. They each have their own advantages and we will take your personal preferences into consideration to help you make the best choice. Teeth straightening is an important matter. It will bring a positive impact into all aspects of your life, so the sooner you begin orthodontic treatment with us the quicker you can reap the benefits. Whichever type of braces you decide to choose, you cannot straighten your teeth instantly.

Depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with, all types of braces take approximately 12 months to achieve optimal results. It may take longer depending on the misalignment of your teeth and the type of braces that you need.

Traditional braces

Traditional metal braces are suitable for almost all types of orthodontic issues. They can be used in patients of all ages and are one of the most efficient methods of teeth straightening, popularly used in dentistry since the 1950s. The metal brackets are glued to the surface of your teeth and an archwire which is attached to the brackets applies pressure to the teeth to help create a neatly aligned smile. This is a gradual yet highly rewarding process and can take up to 2 years depending on your orthodontic issues. Traditional braces also help achieve long-lasting results.

Alternative braces

If you are worried that they may draw unwanted attention to your mouth then you can speak to our dentist and find out about ceramic braces which work in the same way, but the brackets are designed to match the colour of your teeth and are therefore more discreet. Lingual braces are also available here at the practice.

Traditional braces, ceramic braces and lingual braces help correct complex orthodontic issues if you have minor issues then you can ask about clear aligners instead. Speak to us at Ashlow Orthodontics today to find out more.