Need to see an orthodontist about braces? A guide to lingual braces by Ashlow Orthodontics


When you meet someone new it is said that in the first 5 seconds they will look at your teeth.

And, as unfortunate as it may seem, if you have misaligned teeth, they are apparently less likely to take you seriously. If you are a free spirit who finds such things trivial, this is not an issue, but in the workplace, this can pose a serious problem when you are trying to get a promotion!

If you are an adult who has a more severe misalignment, you may think that the only option open to you is to wear metal braces. While this may be the best answer, it is not the only one that can be considered to straighten your teeth.

At Ashlow Orthodontics, our team has helped many adult patients get the straighter smile that they deserve, using a myriad of different braces, aligners and retainers. Our orthodontist in Stoke will provide you with an initial assessment and will discuss the most suitable brace or aligner to help you achieve the smile you hope for. What more could you want from an orthodontic check-up?

In this article, our orthodontist in Stoke introduces you to one of our most successful braces, the lingual brace, to help you decide if it is the right appliance for you.

What are lingual braces?

In simple terms, lingual braces are indeed metal braces, but as opposed to being fitted to the front of your teeth, our orthodontist in Stoke attaches them to the back, thus bypassing the aesthetic issue that comes with regular braces.

They are very classy and durable, and have even been worn by the Duke of Cambridge!

Do they need to be tightened?

Like regular metal braces, in order for these braces to work, they have to be tightened every 6-8 weeks.

And, while this may be a bit uncomfortable, our team at Ashlow Orthodontics can advise you on which pain relief to take to ease the sensation of pressure in your jaw.

How long do they take to straighten teeth?

As mentioned earlier, if your misalignment is too severe for invisible or clear braces, then you may be a suitable candidate for lingual alternatives.

And, as is the way with more complex cases, the treatment time takes longer; on average, lingual braces take between 12 and 18 months to work.

Are they really discreet?

They are indeed!

Fitted to the back of your teeth on your upper or lower jaw, they are hidden from the casual observer; your partner may not even be able to spot them!

They look similar to metal braces except for one difference; the anchor points (where the wire is connected to the tooth) are made from gold! Very swish!

Is there an upper age limit?

Not for lingual braces!

Provided that your teeth are in good health and that your oral health is acceptable, we can fit almost anyone with lingual braces.

At the lower age limit, you need to be 18 years old.