Been told you need to wear braces? 5 cool things you probably didn’t know about orthodontics


Today, we are going to talk about one of the most universally disliked of all dental procedures; orthodontics.

Associated with large metal appliances that are stuck to your teeth, when many people picture an aligner or other orthodontic piece, they instantly picture a teenager or a child with a crooked grin smiling. And for many years, this was an accurate depiction, as orthodontists were often overlooked or avoided altogether by adult patients.

Fast-forward to 2021, thanks to advances in orthodontic technology, aligners are more popular among adults than ever before and even traditional options are making a comeback!

At Ashlow Orthodontics, we couldn’t be happier about the increase in popularity of braces in Stoke-on-Trent. More orthodontic pieces mean straighter, happier smiles and overall, leads to better oral health too. If you have struggled with misaligned teeth and want rid of them, feel free to contact our team!

But what are some of the lesser-known facts about orthodontics in general and braces in Stoke-on-Trent?

It’s never too late for them

Whether it’s a clear aligner or metal braces in Stoke-on-Trent, there is no upper age limit on having your teeth straightened.

As the technology has advanced, orthodontists have figured out ways to move adult teeth without the hassle, opening the door to a wider range of treatment opportunities, without an age limit.

There’s more than one type

As you may know, there is more than one type of orthodontic appliance; there are the traditional metal pieces, clear aligners, invisible aligners (like Invisalign) and even ‘Incognito’ or lingual aligners which are similar to metal ones but are attached to the back of the teeth for a more discrete look.

But, ultimately, our team will assess your suitability based on the severity of the misalignment that you have.

The first month is the game-changer!

Many patients are surprised by the level of change that occurs with their teeth and bite, especially in the first month!

All orthodontic pieces work quickly and if they look noticeably better in the first month, just imagine how they will look at the end of treatment!

Dental wax is a must

OK, so you may or may not have heard of dental wax.

It has become more commonly spoken about in recent years due to its usage with both clear and invisible aligners. If you wear regular orthodontic appliances, you will probably need to wear it and honestly, it can be a lifesaver!

Why? Because it softens the harder edges that come with metal appliances and can also help to cushion the harder edges from a plastic or invisible aligner, which can rub against your tongue.

Your bite will change

Correcting an overbite or underbite is equally as important as treating misaligned teeth with orthodontic appliances, but is more suited to the metal or fitted pieces.

A misaligned bite can cause recurring headaches, nocturnal grinding, migraines and even oral injuries (such as recurring bites on the tongue). So, it’s well worth pursuing orthodontics if you have these issues!